3 Life-Saving CSR Initiatives from Asia in 2021
#1 ‘Community Health Development’ By PTT Exploration And Production Public Company Limited
The ‘Community Health Development’ project was initiated to combat the growing medical service workload in Thailand. The project took into consideration the true needs of society with aims to address problems from their roots by increasing the number of nursing staff, upgrading the capacity and efficiency of medical centers, and building awareness of personal healthcare. The project implemented the ‘Community Nurses and Nurse Aids Training Program’, development projects to upgrade the Lan Krabue Hospital and Songkhla Hospital, and ‘PTTEP Mobile Health Check’ to achieve its objectives.
- The ‘Community Nurses and Nurse Aids Training Program’ has helped to solve the issue of nurse shortage and fulfilled the needs for nursing care in many communities.
- The ‘Community Nurses and Nurse Aids Training Program’ helped decrease the number of chronic patients in need of medical treatment at the hospital by 18,250 patients.
- The graduated nurse aids have increased the quality of nursing services at Songkhla Hospital and are serving more than 4 million people of Songkhla and nearby provinces.
- The development of the Lan Krabue Hospital has helped to serve 110,000 patients in a year.
- The increased population enabled Songkhla Hospital to expand their capacity to serve over 2,000 people per day.
- The ‘PTTEP Mobile Health Check’ has helped to increase awareness of community members’ healthcare by growing to 200 people per visit.
#2 ‘Improving The Nutrition Care For Premature Infants By Numeta G13E Ready-To-Use Parenteral Nutrition’ By Baxter Healthcare Ltd.
In response to the extremely low birth weight of premature babies in Taiwan, Baxter Healthcare Ltd. launched the ready-to-use Numeta G13E parental nutrition to fulfil the nutrition needs of these babies. Baxter even invited top international experts to help assist hospital healthcare professionals to enhance the nutrition care of premature babies. In addition to launching the parental nutrition, Baxter supports disadvantaged preterm babies’ families through patient support programmes and charity activities.
- 10% of premature babies with very low birth weight were saved by the Numeta G13E parenteral nutrition.
- 14% of Numeta babies received support through the patient support programme.
- 50% of Taiwan Children’s hospitals and 4 medical centres are now experienced to treat babies with Numeta G13E.
- 4 international congresses with over 300 professionals enrolled in the programme to help enhance the nutrition care of premature babies.
#3 ‘Samitivej New Life Fund’ By Samitivej Public Company Limited
The ‘Samitivej New Life Fund’ was established with the aim of alleviating the burden placed on the nation by providing medical expertise to underprivileged children who are unable to afford medical treatments. The project’s mission is to raise funds and coordinate with Samitivej Children’s Hospital to provide surgery for patients. The project offers children who are in long medical waiting lists an opportunity at a new life.
- The New Life Fund has received total donations of THB 51.6 million to help provide treatments to the children in need.